On this New Year’s Day (at least for all of you on a Gregorian calendar), the team here at Browsium wishes all of you a wonderful 2011. Before the college football bowl games are over (or whatever local tradition you have in your country), we’d like take a moment to reflect back on last year and look forward to what’s ahead.
2010 was a great year with the founding of our Browsium, two solid beta releases of UniBrows, and the year capped off by tremendous press, customer and partner interest in UniBrows kicked off by the articles in Computerworld and InformationWeek. The many nights and weekends given up to get to this point were well worth it and we thank all of you for your support.
2011 promises to be an even better year with the commercial release of UniBrows planned for early in the first quarter of the year. Feedback on the beta releases has been excellent and we’re on the glide path to final release. Those of you participating in the UniBrows beta program should expect to see a new beta refresh early this week and those of you patiently waiting to evaluate UniBrows will have an evaluation kit in your hands as soon as we launch the commercial release.
We look forward to working with all of you to solve your IE6 compatibility issues and get you ready for the new year with IE8 on Windows XP or an upgrade directly to Windows 7. Together we’ll make 2011 a great year and say goodbye to IE6 headaches for everyone.