Browsium Newsletter

Browser Telemetry

Posted by: Gino Posted date:

ITOM for the Browser

First, let’s look at the history of enterprise IT management. Pioneering IT management tool SCCM debuted in the mid-90s (v1.0, anyone?) and has steadily evolved into the ITOM titan it is today. Back then, it even played a key role in the industry’s transition to Windows 95. As per the Wiki page, Configuration Manager offers remote control, patch management, software distribution, operating system deployment, network access protection, as well as hardware and software inventory. What SCCM does not do is manage licenses or provide automated methods to optimize an organization’s software portfolio. In other words, SCCM got the ITOM concept rolling but became a single piece of the puzzle (albeit a large one). Read: ITOM Blind Spot.

Ironically, 1994 also brought us Netscape and the beginning of the browser wars – at the time, seemingly unimportant to SCCM. Since then, the browser has become the primary delivery system for Enterprise IT applications. I say ironically because the browser has the least amount of visibility and perhaps the most vulnerability in traditional enterprise IT management suites. In short, the browser requires additional visibility to accurately know the who, what, when, and where of the end-user.

Enter Proton’s ITOM puzzle piece.

“Ironically 1994 also brought us Netscape and the beginning of the browser wars”

Browsium Proton

PROTON is designed to complement existing ITOM installations by extending the browser’s visibility and delivering the crucial data and information needed for managing a web application-based portfolio. Proton running within the browser provides telemetry data on every web application, including the browser itself, complex dependencies, inventory data, third-party extensions/add-ons, performance, and page-level security statistics.

With a ground-up design for web applications, Proton delivers the inventory, insights, and analytics missing from the ITOM puzzle today.

Edge IE mode update

Exciting news! Testing and quality control are well underway for v4.9, expected to launch by summer’s end.

Flash EOL Update

Even more dead – the cumulative security update was released and removed all things Flash from Windows 10. Let us know if you need us to resurrect a secure version of Flash for any application!

Thank you!

As always, any feedback or suggestions for topics are greatly appreciated!

“With a ground-up design for web applications, Proton delivers the inventory, insights, and analytics that are missing from the ITOM puzzle today
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