Yes, any CIO would be interested in how much money browser management can save. Here are just three examples of savings created by implementing a browser management strategy:
Eliminate unused applications – Browsium software identifies unused and under-used web applications. By eliminating them, an organization spending $25M on software assets could save about $1M a year* and improve their security profile.
Reduce regression testing costs – One large customer reported using Browsium software saved them $2M per year regression testing Java security patches.
Right-size cloud services – Identifying unneeded server capacity with Browsium software reduces hosting costs. Each server that’s not needed can save a few thousand dollars per month. Eliminating 10 servers at $2000/month saves $240,000 a year.
*Gartner research shows annually about 4% of applications in an organization were retired or users stopped using them.
Posted in: Browser Management,