
Let’s Get Technical – Hang Prevention Timeout Settings in UniBrows

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Hello, Christopher here again to talk about another of our technical features available to administrators who are using UniBrows to configure profiles and settings within their organization. Today I’d like to discuss Hang Prevention with UniBrows. The Hang Prevention Timeout … ...

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Browsium Whitepaper: Solving IE6 Dependencies in the Enterprise With a Single Browser Solution

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

We’ve just released a new whitepaper titled “Solving IE6 Dependencies in the Enterprise With a Single Browser Solution“. It’s designed to help IT professionals at any level in the organization better understand the causes of IE6 dependencies in enterprise and how … ...

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UniBrows 1.2 Feature Focus: IE6 Legacy Engine

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Hi, I’m David, a Senior Architect here at Browsium. As you may have noticed in the UniBrows 1.2 release, we now include two different versions of the IE6 engine; the standard IE6 engine you’re used to seeing and a new … ...

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Press Release: UniBrows 1.2 Now Available

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Contact: Cheryl Cink, for Browsium +1 530-756-4630 [email protected]   Browsium Releases UniBrows 1.2 with New Features to Relieve Enterprises of Their Dependence on IE6 for Business-Critical Web Applications UniBrows 1.2 adds support for running legacy Siebel CRM installations on IE8 … ...

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UniBrows 1.2 Now Available – Supports Siebel, XenApp, Script Injection, and Much More

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Today we released UniBrows 1.2 which builds on the capabilities of earlier versions, now enabling popular legacy enterprise applications such as Siebel CRM to run in IE8 on Windows XP or Windows 7, along with a host of new features … ...

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Let’s Get Technical: DEP/NX, IE and UniBrows

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Welcome to the first in a series of technical blog postings about some of the advanced features available to you through UniBrows. My name is Christopher Vaughan, and I’m the Director of Systems Engineering here at Browsium. The goal of … ...

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Out With The Old, In With The New (And Old)

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Mozilla quietly announced the sudden end of support and updates for Firefox 4. Firefox 5 looks good and should be a great upgrade for lots of users. Except anyone that needs the old version. Like business customers. What about those … ...

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New Demo Videos

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

The first thing an up-and-coming product manager learns is the art of the great demo. Whether it’s delivered one-on-one with a single customer or on www in a huge keynote, nothing communicates a product’s value proposition better than a great … ...

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More Rocks and Hard Places

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

We received a phone call today from a software vendor (we’ll call them Vendor X) who sells a new online application to enterprises. Like many modern web applications, Vendor X’s software is written for modern browsers and doesn’t work at … ...

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Browsium Continuity Framework

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

You may notice that UniBrows 1.1 includes a new set of files with some unfamiliar names.  These files are part of the new Browsium Continuity Framework, a set of libraries that provides advanced browser- and system-level technologies for all of … ...

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The Browser Blind Spot: Is Your IT Management Missing Critical Data?
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Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency with Advanced Browser Management Tools
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