Browsium Blog

One way NOT to solve IE6 compatibility issues – a view of Google Chrome Frame

Posted by: Matt Tags: , Posted date:

I like to think of myself as being browser agnostic. I’ve been technologically agnostic since back in the days when I was a software developer (not a good one, mind you). We always took the approach to pick the right …

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When will Ion support IE10 in Windows 8?

Posted by: Browsium Tags: Posted date:

With Windows 8 hitting its RTM milestone on August 1st, we’re now starting to field questions about when Ion will support IE10. To support a new version of Internet Explorer and a new version of Windows, we first need the …

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Windows 7: Are we half way there yet?

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , Posted date:

Earlier this month Tami Reller, Microsoft’s chief marketing officer for Windows, announced that Windows 7 had reached 50% deployment in business. That stat presents the ultimate “glass half full” or “glass half empty” moment. Is the IT world doing well because …

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Browsium Support and Services Program Unblocks Migrations

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , Posted date:

You can now solve your organization’s IE6 and IE7 dependencies and unblock Windows 7 migrations more quickly and efficiently. With Browsium’s Support & Services Programs you can get the responsiveness, service level, and consulting options needed to meet your business …

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Important Update to Java “Side-by-Side” Guidance

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , Posted date:

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) has a long history of security and functionality updates, which often leave older applets in a broken state. This causes enterprises to either avoid the updates and miss out on the benefits or use virtualization or complex …

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Update 3 for Browsium Ion Now Available

Posted by: Browsium Tags: Posted date:

Since the release of Ion in January of this year, we’ve remained committed to improving Ion’s compatibility with the web applications that our customers are running. Browsium Ion 2.0 Update 3, our third maintenance release, is now available. Update 3 is a full …

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Browsium Ion 2.0 Update 3 Release Notes

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

The Browsium Ion 2.0 Update 3 release notes provide specific details on what’s new and known issues for this version. Browsium-Ion-2-0-Update-3-ReleaseNotes.pdf

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Meet Browsium in Toronto at Microsoft WPC

Posted by: Browsium Tags: Posted date:

Browsium will be attending the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto, Canada in July and would love to meet with current and potential partners. If you’re a reseller, integrator, or othewise interested in partnering with Browsium, drop us a line …

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New Whitepaper Helps You Build Business Case for Ion

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Enterprise organizations have a variety of options to choose from when migrating legacy web applications to modern operating system and browser platforms. Browsium has published a new whitepaper titled “Solving Legacy Browser Dependencies in the Enterprise” which outlines the cause …

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Dealing with “Unknown Unknowns” in the Browser Migration Process

Posted by: Matt Posted date:

We talk with customers all the time about their web application issues, and we regularly get the question about how to approach the browser migration process itself. Customers invariably come to us with a known application (or applications) that are …

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Recent Posts

ITOM for Browsers: Visibility, Security, Efficiency with Proton
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The Browser Blind Spot: Is Your IT Management Missing Critical Data?
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Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency with Advanced Browser Management Tools
Posted on: February 12, 2024

Blog Topics

ActiveX Advanced Solutions Application Modernization Application Sandboxing BCMS Upgrade Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility issues Browser Compatibility Testing Browser end of life (EOL) frustration Browser IT Management Browser Management Browser management solution Browser Management Tool Browser Performance Monitoring Browser Selection Automation Browser Telemetry Tool Browser-Based Applications Browsium Browsium Chrome Extension Browsium Extension Browsium Ion Browsium Proton Catalyst Centralize browser management Chrome Compatibility Compatibility Challenges Compatibility Layers Compatibility Strategies Compatibility Testing Cross-Browser Testing CVE-2021-44228 Deployment eBook Edge IE Edge IE Chrome Edge IE Mode Edge Legacy Edge Readiness Emulation Enterprise Browser Management Enterprise Browser Security Events Extensions File Swap Firefox Flash EOL Group Policy History Hotfix How-To IE 11 EOL IE End of Life IE EOL IE11 Internet Explorer End of Life Internet Explorer EOL Ion Ion v4.9.4 IT Business Strategy IT Challenges IT Landscape IT Solutions ITOM Java Java Applets Latest Version Legacy Application Compatibility Legacy Application Integration Legacy Application Regression Testing Legacy Application Strategies Legacy Applications Legacy Browser Applications Legacy Browser Compatibility Legacy Web Applications Log4shell Microsoft Cumulative Update Migration Mission-Critical Applications Modern IT Modernizing Legacy Applications Patch Tuesday Performance Preserving Legacy Applications Product Offerings Product Release Proton Remediation Sandboxing Legacy Applications Security Services Shadow IT Silent Heroes Silverlight Support Testing Modernized Applications Flash EOL Top News User Training Virtualization Web Application Compatibility Webinar Win10 Preview Release Windows 10 Windows 8 XP Usage Share

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