Browsium Blog

Avis Europe Using UniBrows to Ease Windows 7 Migration

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

A feature story today on the UK IT website ComputerWeekly highlighted Avis Europe’s migration from Windows XP to Windows 7. Avis is using UniBrows to keep their IE6-dependent applications working as they upgrade to Windows 7 with IE8. As the …

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Why IE6 Still (Unfortunately) Matters

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Earlier this week there were a number of blog posts about how Volkswagon is not only still using IE6 internally, but requiring IE6 compatibility for some of their web applications used by outside suppliers and vendors. This had all the …

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Not Dead Yet

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

In the classic movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there’s a famously funny (albeit disturbing) scene where the dead are being loaded on a cart and one older gentleman is trying to convince the dead collectors that he’s “not …

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Tackling IE6 Dependencies in the Public Sector

Posted by: Browsium Posted date: in the UK ran a contributed article from Browsium today, pointing out the need for public sector organizations to end their dependence on IE6 so they can upgrade their browsers and operating systems to modern platforms. But with so …

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Let’s Get Technical: Managing Browser Session Isolation with UniBrows

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

There’s an area of application compatibility that may affect your app that you probably haven’t even thought about: session isolation. The effect of this is simple: how much (or how little) user/logon information is shared between two tabs open in …

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Press Release: Browsium Enters UK Market with CDG

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

CDG Joins Forces with Browsium to Remedy Browser Compatibility Issues Stalling Windows 7 migrations UK IT solutions provider and browser management specialist enable organisations to solve IE6-dependency issue without app rewrites or need for virtualisation Reading, Berkshire – 22nd September …

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Browsium Enters UK Market with CDG

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Today we announced a new partnership with CDG UK to bring our UniBrows solution to the UK market to help customers there solve the IE6 dependency issues holding up Windows 7 migrations everywhere. This problem is particularly acute in the UK …

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Let’s Get Technical – Solving the “Java Problem” in Internet Explorer

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Defining the problem You may not know it, but you may have a Java problem in Internet Explorer. It starts simply and can be insidious. You have a web application (or two or more!), each of which requires a different …

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Let’s Get Technical – Understanding the Sandbox Feature of UniBrows

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

One of the features that UniBrows has at its disposal to help maintain maximum compatibility with web sites is the idea of a settings sandbox. When the browser session is closed, the sandbox is destroyed – returning all disk space …

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Let’s Get Technical: Using Content Handlers with UniBrows Profiles

Posted by: Browsium Posted date:

Welcome back to our ongoing series on the technical side of UniBrows features. Today we’re focused on custom Content Handlers. Content Handlers are all about downloads. They give administrators the ability to mandate specific procedures that are taken when files …

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The Browser Blind Spot: Is Your IT Management Missing Critical Data?
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Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency with Advanced Browser Management Tools
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