Browsium Blog

Browsers suck (memory, battery, etc.)

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

By Matt Heller | Read Time: 2 min It’s essential to start off saying that we love browsers. We love the web. We love the vendors who make the browsers. However, browsers suck – they literally drain the life from …

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Java Pain Points

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

By Matt Heller Browsium was started to solve a particular customer pain point – helping customers migrate off IE6 to end that chapter in the history of the web. As we were designing the solution to that problem, we began …

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Ensuring the web is part of your strategy

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

By Matt Heller There’s an old saying that failing to plan is a plan to fail. I was reminded of that while reading over the headline campaign for the upcoming Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo. “How will the future of the web …

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Top 5 reasons why you need a browser management strategy for 2020 and beyond

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

By Chris Dworetzky The “roaring” 1920s were a period of significant economic advancement in the west. It was a decade of social, technological and artistic upheaval. Business was booming across Europe and North America as the shadow of World War …

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Extensions are great, but not always secure. Learn from history.

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

by Matt Heller I’m old enough to remember when ActiveX first ‘came on the scene,’ and it was transformative. To that point, we’d all used static content and simple hyperlinked pages. You could manage to fake some dynamic content if …

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Oracle and the New Java Subscription Frontier

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

By Chris Dworetzky While not without its hitches, the tech world was relatively silent when Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in early 2010. However, over time, many Sun applications began adopting a new monetization strategy. The Solaris operating system, for example, …

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Why I believe the end of Edge is a good thing

Posted by: Seth Posted date:

Years ago, while working with Microsoft as part of the team working on Internet Explorer, I was part of a conversation about abandoning the efforts to build a competing browser rendering engine. As mainly an observer to the discussion, I …

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Browser management suite 4.4 now available

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

New Microsoft Edge support empowers you to make on-premises and cloud-based web application environments future ready. Today we released version 4.4 of our browser management suite, with updated versions of Browsium Proton, Ion, and Catalyst. Together they deliver comprehensive IT …

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Edge-ing closer to enterprise ready

Posted by: Matt Tags: , , Posted date:

Browsers have become the killer app – well, the killer platform. The underlying OS has less and less value, and the Chrome OS shows the browser is really all that’s needed. Browser vendors and the standards community have worked very …

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Heating up browser competition – Firefox Quantum

Posted by: Matt Tags: , Posted date:

New browsers don’t come around very often so it makes sense to talk about them, but a new version of an existing browser? Usually that’s just about features or security updates. So, while they are important to talk about, a …

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Recent Posts

ITOM for Browsers: Visibility, Security, Efficiency with Proton
Posted on: March 27, 2024
The Browser Blind Spot: Is Your IT Management Missing Critical Data?
Posted on: March 25, 2024
Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency with Advanced Browser Management Tools
Posted on: February 12, 2024

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ActiveX Advanced Solutions Application Modernization Application Sandboxing BCMS Upgrade Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility issues Browser Compatibility Testing Browser end of life (EOL) frustration Browser IT Management Browser Management Browser management solution Browser Management Tool Browser Performance Monitoring Browser Selection Automation Browser Telemetry Tool Browser-Based Applications Browsium Browsium Chrome Extension Browsium Extension Browsium Ion Browsium Proton Catalyst Centralize browser management Chrome Compatibility Compatibility Challenges Compatibility Layers Compatibility Strategies Compatibility Testing Cross-Browser Testing CVE-2021-44228 Deployment eBook Edge IE Edge IE Chrome Edge IE Mode Edge Legacy Edge Readiness Emulation Enterprise Browser Management Enterprise Browser Security Events Extensions File Swap Firefox Flash EOL Group Policy History Hotfix How-To IE 11 EOL IE End of Life IE EOL IE11 Internet Explorer End of Life Internet Explorer EOL Ion Ion v4.9.4 IT Business Strategy IT Challenges IT Landscape IT Solutions ITOM Java Java Applets Latest Version Legacy Application Compatibility Legacy Application Integration Legacy Application Regression Testing Legacy Application Strategies Legacy Applications Legacy Browser Applications Legacy Browser Compatibility Legacy Web Applications Log4shell Microsoft Cumulative Update Migration Mission-Critical Applications Modern IT Modernizing Legacy Applications Patch Tuesday Performance Preserving Legacy Applications Product Offerings Product Release Proton Remediation Sandboxing Legacy Applications Security Services Shadow IT Silent Heroes Silverlight Support Testing Modernized Applications Flash EOL Top News User Training Virtualization Web Application Compatibility Webinar Win10 Preview Release Windows 10 Windows 8 XP Usage Share

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