Browsium Blog

Improve IT operations by embracing shadow IT

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

Shadow IT, identified and unidentified cloud applications or services not directly under the control of IT. We’ve been hearing more and more concerns about this issue from our customers and partners. In fact, a Cisco survey of CIOs asked them …

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Browser management suite 4.3.1 now available

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , , Posted date:

Today we issued a maintenance release of our browser management suite, with updated versions of Browsium Proton, Ion, and Catalyst. Together they deliver comprehensive IT operations management software that fills the gap left behind by your desktop and network management tools. …

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A 3-stage process to take command of Java

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

Our latest solution sheet Take Charge of Java to Optimize Security and Compatibility guides you though the Java proliferation concerns we hear most often from our global customers and the ways they work with Browsium to solve them. This document …

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Watch the shadow IT webinar on-demand

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

On 14 June 2017, Browsium hosted a webinar: “Learn how to detect and take command of shadow IT in your organization”. We had a large group participating in the live webinar, generating a number of great questions about the unique …

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Gartner report recommends bimodal browser strategy

Posted by: Browsium Tags: Posted date:

A recently released Gartner report titled “Applying Bimodal to Browser Strategies: Legacy and Modern” (ID: G00327548) recommends organizations embrace a bimodal browser strategy to accommodate both legacy and modern web applications. This recommendation brings to the forefront, the need to …

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Browser management suite 4.3 now available

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

New cloud service detection and reporting empowers you to take command of shadow IT in your organization. Today we released version 4.3 of our browser management suite, with updated versions of Browsium Proton, Ion, and Catalyst. Together they deliver comprehensive …

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Computerworld confirms shift to multiple browsers in the enterprise

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , Posted date:

Today’s Computerworld article, “Google raises heat on Microsoft with new Chrome bundle for enterprises”, drives home the point that multiple browser use in the enterprise is a reality. Drawing upon the expertise of Gartner analyst, Michael Silver and Browsium president, …

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Take command of the IT management gap

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , Posted date:

New browser management primer explains how Browsium’s newly published primer “Take command of the IT management gap created by your organization’s shift to web applications and the cloud” explains how you can address the challenges resulting from the global shift away …

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Are you ready for Microsoft Edge?

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , , , , Posted date:

Introduction “Microsoft Edge is the future of browsing on Windows”. This is the guidance Microsoft is giving all its enterprise customers. If you haven’t already heard this drumbeat from Redmond, you will very soon. Given this Microsoft push, Edge Readiness must …

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Watch the performance analytics webinar on-demand

Posted by: Browsium Tags: , , Posted date:

On 29 March 2017, Browsium hosted a webinar: “Reaching peak web application performance with Browsium”. We had a large group participating in the live webinar, generating a number of great questions about the unique solution Browsium provides for optimizing productivity …

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Recent Posts

ITOM for Browsers: Visibility, Security, Efficiency with Proton
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The Browser Blind Spot: Is Your IT Management Missing Critical Data?
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Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency with Advanced Browser Management Tools
Posted on: February 12, 2024

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ActiveX Advanced Solutions Application Modernization Application Sandboxing BCMS Upgrade Browser Compatibility Browser compatibility issues Browser Compatibility Testing Browser end of life (EOL) frustration Browser IT Management Browser Management Browser management solution Browser Management Tool Browser Performance Monitoring Browser Selection Automation Browser Telemetry Tool Browser-Based Applications Browsium Browsium Chrome Extension Browsium Extension Browsium Ion Browsium Proton Catalyst Centralize browser management Chrome Compatibility Compatibility Challenges Compatibility Layers Compatibility Strategies Compatibility Testing Cross-Browser Testing CVE-2021-44228 Deployment eBook Edge IE Edge IE Chrome Edge IE Mode Edge Legacy Edge Readiness Emulation Enterprise Browser Management Enterprise Browser Security Events Extensions File Swap Firefox Flash EOL Group Policy History Hotfix How-To IE 11 EOL IE End of Life IE EOL IE11 Internet Explorer End of Life Internet Explorer EOL Ion Ion v4.9.4 IT Business Strategy IT Challenges IT Landscape IT Solutions ITOM Java Java Applets Latest Version Legacy Application Compatibility Legacy Application Integration Legacy Application Regression Testing Legacy Application Strategies Legacy Applications Legacy Browser Applications Legacy Browser Compatibility Legacy Web Applications Log4shell Microsoft Cumulative Update Migration Mission-Critical Applications Modern IT Modernizing Legacy Applications Patch Tuesday Performance Preserving Legacy Applications Product Offerings Product Release Proton Remediation Sandboxing Legacy Applications Security Services Shadow IT Silent Heroes Silverlight Support Testing Modernized Applications Flash EOL Top News User Training Virtualization Web Application Compatibility Webinar Win10 Preview Release Windows 10 Windows 8 XP Usage Share

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