Catalyst FAQs

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What is Browsium Catalyst?

Browsium Catalyst is a multi-browser web traffic manager for the enterprise, enabling IT to pair all web applications with the most compatible and secure browser. Catalyst works with Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox on all PCs in the enterprise. IT …

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How does Catalyst work?

Catalyst is made up of a set of client extensions which run in each browser, along with the Catalyst Configuration Manager, used by IT to create the configuration or rules (and other settings). These rules govern which browser opens which …

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What are the system requirements for Catalyst?

The following minimum system specifications are required to run Browsium Catalyst. Operating System Windows 7 or later Windows Server 2008 R2 or later (for multi-user terminal servers) Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, or 11 Microsoft Edge 40 or …

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Where can I find the latest Catalyst documentation (Admin Guide)?

The Catalyst Administration Guide can be easily accessed from the Help menu of the Catalyst Configuration Manager. You can also download it directly from our website.

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How does Browsium Catalyst enable my enterprise to use multiple web browsers?

Browsium Catalyst is a multi-browser web traffic manager for the enterprise, enabling IT to pair all web applications with the most compatible and secure browser. Catalyst works with Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox on all PCs in the enterprise. IT …

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How does Catalyst improve compatibility?

Improve Browser Compatibility Issues Catalyst ensures end users always use the optimal browser for each web application. Business applications are accessed via the most compatible browser, as determined by IT, while the Internet can be accessed with a modern browser, …

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How does Catalyst strengthen security?

Catalyst enables browser actions to be controlled by policies set by IT. End users cannot easily override settings to use an insecure browser on the Internet. This allows IT to limit legacy browser use to legacy business applications. This avoids …

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How does Catalyst compare to Chrome Legacy Browser Support

Google’s Chrome Legacy Browser Support (LBS) allows employees to switch automatically between Chrome and another browser. IT specifies which sites should launch into a second browser and deploys this Chrome policy for the organization. LBS uses an exception list whereby …

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Can I implement Browsium Catalyst myself or should I hire a professional?

Catalyst is simple to use, requiring no outside professional services for configuration and deployment. The Catalyst Configuration Manager makes creating rules simple. The product integrates with popular enterprise software deployment services, from SCCM to Active Directory, making deployment of the …

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What browsers work with Catalyst?

Browsium Catalyst works with Internet Explorer 8 thru 11 (IE8, IE9, IE10, and IE11), and also the recent versions of Firefox (35 and above) and Chrome (39 and above).

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Is there more to browser management than remediating web applications with Ion?

Yes, together, Browsium Ion and Catalyst create Browsium’s browser management platform. Our platform provides enterprise IT with granular control of their browser environments, to optimize both web application compatibility and security, today and for the future. This enables a quick …

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What is the difference between Catalyst and Ion?

Browsium Catalyst Browsium Catalyst is a multi-browser web traffic manager for the enterprise, enabling IT to pair all web applications with the most compatible and secure browser. Catalyst works with Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox on all PCs in the …

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What can Browsium do for an organization as they embrace the cloud?

Browsium is dedicated to “future proofing” enterprise browser environments for optimum compatibility and security, which is critical as companies embrace cloud computing. Change in enterprise web browsers is inevitable. Browsers continue to evolve, while new applications and cloud solutions with …

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Can I add other browsers to Catalyst?

Browsium Catalyst enables complete management of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox (policy-based redirection in and out of each browser). It also allows redirection to any application, including any browser installed on the system. See the Catalyst Administration Guide for details …

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Should I also consider Browsium Ion?

Browsium Ion and Browsium Catalyst together create Browsium’s browser management platform. Our  platform provides enterprise IT with granular control of their browser environments, to optimize both web application compatibility and security today and for the future. This enables a quick …

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What can Browsium products do for my company in the long-term?

Browsium is dedicated to “future proofing” your enterprise browser environment for optimum compatibility and security. Change in enterprise web browsers is inevitable. Browsers are continually evolving with new features and security, while older versions – the versions you have deployed …

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Will Browsium support Windows 10 and Microsoft’s new Edge browser?

Browsium products will support Windows 10 once it is released, with a focus on Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). We expect to deliver the same functionality for IE11 in Windows 10 as we do for IE11 on Windows 8 and Windows …

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What makes Catalyst so easy to manage?

With Catalyst, browser actions are controlled by policies set by IT. End users cannot easily override settings to use an insecure browser on the Internet. Catalyst Configuration Manager makes it easy for IT to build rules which ensure IT controls …

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Are multi-browser environments the trend in IT organizations?

Yes. As browsers have become a critical component of every enterprise infrastructure, Gartner Research* has advised against enterprises standardizing on a single browser. This recommendation was first delivered in 1997 and continues today as web-based business applications become more and …

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Can I use Browsium’s products, Ion and Catalyst, together?

Yes. Together, Browsium Ion and Browsium Catalyst create Browsium’s browser management platform. Our  platform provides enterprise IT with granular control of their browser environments, to optimize both web application compatibility and security today and for the future. This enables a …

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How much does Catalyst cost?

Browsium Catalyst is licensed on a per-seat basis along with a one-time base fee via a perpetual license agreement. Contact Browsium Sales for a custom quote or to find a reseller in your region.

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Can end users create or change Catalyst settings?

Catalyst settings can only be modified by empowered IT administrators who create and deploy Catalyst configurations. An end user would need administrative privileges and the knowledge to edit the registry on their PC to change the Catalyst settings.

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Will end users be able to specify their own default browser or can IT maintain centralized control?

IT maintains centralized control over the default browser with Browsium Catalyst, with some limitations. Catalyst becomes the default browser on each client system, and the target browser is invoked based on the default chosen in the Catalyst configuration or a …

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What data is sent by Catalyst to Browsium or any other 3rd party?

Catalyst does not send any data back to Browsium or any other 3rd party.

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What features are being added to Ion and Catalyst in the future?

Browsium is committed to creating products which “future proof” your enterprise browser environment for optimum compatibility and security. To that end, we are making ongoing investments in adding capabilities such as: improved performance, easier configuration development, browser usage metrics and …

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Can the Catalyst software and/or configuration be distributed via SCCM?

Yes, any enterprise software distribution tool can be used. The Catalyst client software installer is an MSI file and the configuration is stored in an XML file for simple distribution and management throughout the enterprise. Refer to section 5 of the …

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