Discovery and Rationalization

What’s going on in your browser environment and what’s the best path forward?

Clearly understanding the detailed complexities of dynamic browser-based application environments is vital to your business. Without web application inventory and analytics, you are blind to everything that happens inside your web browser. Today, can you answer these questions?

  • What web applications do we have?
  • What legacy components are used by those applications?
  • Which web applications are most critical to our business?
  • Which web applications can be eliminated to reduce cost and improve productivity?

With the appropriate Browsium module from our browser management suite, you’ll have this knowledge and much more. Browsium is ready to help you answer these specific questions:

ChallengeBrowsium ModuleFunctionality
Web Application Inventory & Analytics
Hundreds of line of business web applications are used in our organization, but we have no inventory of them and can’t track who uses them.
ProtonProton provides a deep understanding of web applications, browsers, and add-ons, including their component dependencies and usage by user, machine, organization unit, and IP address range, for a complete picture across your IT environment.
Browser Add-on Usage
Many of our business applications depend on old versions of Java, but we have no way to identify which application uses which version to ensure the right version is being used for a given application.
ProtonProton tracks add-on usage and inter-dependencies by add-on version and type. Predefined Java inventory and usage reports detail which versions of Java are installed on each client system and when and where those versions of Java are invoked.

Read more about using browser management for managing and securing Java.

Browser Add-on Security
Currently, we rely on old versions of Java for critical business applications. Our security team is concerned these old, vulnerable versions are being invoked by Internet sites we don’t trust.
ProtonProton identifies which versions of Java are installed and associates them with specific web application use. Once this is done, unused versions of Java can be eliminated and vulnerable, legacy versions of Java can be “sand boxed” to improve security.

Learn how browser management can also help you with Migration and Compatibility and Security and Compliance, or take a look at our complete list of common browser challenges and Browsium solutions.

You can deliver next-generation browser applications to your enterprise, without compromising compatibility, or exposing your organization to the 10 hidden IT risks.

Get started by contacting [email protected] and let us demonstrate how we can help tackle web application discovery and rationalization for your organization.

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